Amsterdam on a Budget

Amsterdam is one of my favourite places in the world. There is something magical about the place. The moment you step onto the street, the natural beauty is almost overwhelming. After I finished high school, I did a six-month backpacking trip around Europe. Of course, as an 18 year old, I had to be very careful with my hard earned money, and had to learn how to travel ‘smartly’. Amsterdam was one of the first places I travelled around, and I learnt some wonderful tips on the way regarding budgeting, If you’re planning on visiting Amsterdam anytime in the near future, don’t let yourself be caught in tourist traps. Read on for some great tips for travelling in Amsterdam on a budget!

Don’t stay in hotels


Hotels in Amsterdam are extremely expensive, and frankly – not necessary. There are so many budget friendly accommodation options that most tourists don’t know about. Airbnb is a great option if you’re travelling with a group, or alone.. If you’re travelling with a group, you can rent an apartment a little bit out of the ‘center of the center’ for a great price. The public transport in Amsterdam is wonderful, so not being right in the center is not a problem at all. You can get anywhere you need to go in around 20 minutes! If you’re travelling alone, then renting a room in an Airbnb apartment is a great option. You can find comfortable rooms in cozy apartments, and best of all, you get to mingle with the locals, and get to know Amsterdam in a completely different way. Another great option is hostels – Amsterdam has a number of wonderful, clean hostels that are even better than some hotels!

Rent a bike


Biking in Amsterdam is part of the culture. There are bike tracks on almost every pavement, and it’s the quickest, cheapest way to get around. You can rent a bike for around 4 euros a day, or if you’re there for a longer time, you can get a better deal. With Amsterdam being so beautiful, a bike is the perfect method of transportation – it’s also great to discover new places that you’d never find travelling on public transportation.

Free things to do


Amsterdam is filled with things to do for free. Vondel Park is one of Amsterdam’s most popular tourist attractions. Take your bike, or take a long stroll around the stunning park. It really is the most beautiful park I have ever seen! Bring a picnic basket, and spend the day basking in the breathtaking view! You can also take free beer tours – every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 3.30pm, Brewery’t IJ offer free tours around the brewery where you can taste some of the best beer in Europe while meeting some tourists along the way! You can also take advantage of a free classical lunch concert – every Tuesday at 12.30 there is a free concert where you’ll get to listen to the Dutch harmonic Orcherstra or the Dutch Opera. It really is an experience not to be missed!

Amsterdam is an incredible place to travel, and there are so many ways you can do it on a budget. Plan your trip in advance so you can take advantage of cheap flights, and most importantly – have fun!

About Jess

Jess hails from Sunny Australia and is the youngest of the frugal ladies. She loves shopping for a bargain, reading, watching movies and spends most of her life on the beach

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