Making Money In Your Spare Time

Do you have a lot of spare time in your day? Well, many women have spare time and they want to utilize this time in a good way. If you have likeness or hobbies for anything, it will be better to use that for earning some money. Thanks to internet and other modern technologies there are a lot of opportunities to make money online in their spare time. You can start blogging online, trading online, freelance writing etc. All these are great options for you to earn some extra money on your spare time.

Sell your photos online

If you have a knack for photography and click some great photos then it can be a great way to make some money online. Being a photography enthusiast you can click some mesmerizing photos of travels and even random objects and sell them online. There are many online websites and blogs that buy different photos from the photographers. You need to search for the best and most reliable photo agency that will put your photos on sale. After the photo is sold they will provide you a certain percent of the selling price.

Start Trading Online

One of the best ways to earn money online in your spare time is to start trading online. With so many software and tools available nowadays it is never too late to start trading online. If you have a little knowledge on finance you can easily do that. There are many websites that allow you to trade online and earn some money if you can do the best. One such website is CMC Markets where you can start trading online. This is an interesting way where you have to buy and sell stocks or shares to earn some profit using good strategies.

Freelance Writing


Are you good at writing or is writing your hobby? Then there is a great way by which you can use this hobby to earn some extra money for you. In your spare time, you can write for different writing services or agencies that pay you well. Even you can write for different magazines as a freelance writer. They provide you with some guidelines and requirements for a write up. You have to follow those instructions and write something on your own. It has to be completely genuine and based on thorough research. On behalf of these articles you provide them, the agencies will pay you some money predetermined between you two.

Online Survey Sites

Taking online surveys is another good option to earn some money in your spare time. There are many popular and reliable sites online where you can start take these surveys and complete them. They pay you for taking these surveys directly or even via vouchers. So, if you have some spare time you can use that time to complete these surveys and earn money. But before you do so make sure that the site you are choosing is reliable and trustworthy. Otherwise you may end up wasting your spare time doing the surveys and not getting paid.

Start Blogging


Do you have a great speaking or writing style? If yes then you can also start your own blog or even vlog. With the help of writing articles or recording video you can help people to give different tips and ideas related to different things. If you are really good in cooking then you can start a blog or vlog on that. You will have to be regular in posting interesting contents, get reader and viewers first. Then you can slowly tie up with sponsors and display ads in your blogs. This is a great way to kill your spare time and also an interesting way to earn some good money.


All these are interesting ways to make money online. You can definitely try trading skills on CMC markets or try doing some blogs on your own. You can take help from the experienced and professional people. But if you do not know any such person, then do not worry. Internet has a lot of resources that can help you to learn A to Z about everything and anything.

About Sherrie W.

Sherrie is a part-time contributor to All the Frugal Ladies. She currently works for a small publishing firm in Sydney and enjoys writing about her frugal (and not so frugal) life experiences and lessons learned along the way :)

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