Sherrie W.

Sherrie is a part-time contributor to All the Frugal Ladies. She currently works for a small publishing firm in Sydney and enjoys writing about her frugal (and not so frugal) life experiences and lessons learned along the way :)

What You Should Consider Before Moving to Utah

Are you in the process of a move? Maybe for a job or to a more family-friendly area? Or are you considering moving out of your own sense of adventure? Utah could easily be the place for you! Here’s why: Family For a lot of us, family is our greatest consideration. Luckily, Utah is a fantastic place for a family …

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5 Tips for Getting Your Kids Ready in the Morning

My last child started school two years ago, so now all three of them are in the same elementary school. Through the years, I’ve gained plenty of experience in getting them and myself out of the house on time. The morning routine really sets the tone for the whole day. If it doesn’t go smoothly, I go about my day …

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How To Save Money While Traveling In Your RV

Saving money while traveling is a great way to get the most out of your vacation in ways you never thought possible. You get to see and experience things you might have missed had you not looked around for ways to save. One way to travel cheaply is to take an RV. On top of saving on hotels and boarding, …

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How to Get Started on a Home Business

A home-based business makes you the boss. Over the past few years, the number of home-based businesses globally has dramatically increased, primarily due to advances in technology and the need for flexibility.  The best home-based business is one that captures your passion and creativity giving you a solid foundation to succeed.  Whether it’s a side hustle or a full-time business, …

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5 Affordable Ways To Enhance Your Living Space

Spending time inside with our loved ones during the colder months is something we look forward to each year. Last year left many of us isolated and lonely over the festive season, but 2021 is set to be a little different. Planning our holidays, especially if we are hosting them, can be a stressful time. Take the stress out of …

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How to Design or Decorate a Dressing Room in 2021 – Pro Tips

Do you want to add a luxurious touch to your bedroom décor? If yes, then set up a dressing room. Having a personal grooming area is a dream of many women. Moreover, it adds value to the home. The dressing room helps you to reduce clutter and mess in the bedroom. It also provides you with a proper space to …

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Moving to Australia: Where to Find the Most Affordable Housing

Moving to Australia? Learn where you can find affordable housing in the country and what affects the selling price!

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5 Reasons Buying Contact Lenses Online is Cheaper (+ 10% Discount Code!)

As a frugal lady, I’m always looking to save. Unfortunately, if like me, you wear contact lenses to see clearly, the expenses add up. That’s because high street retailers sell disposable lenses at high prices, especially if they are linked to a monthly scheme that includes lenses, solution and aftercare appointments. Well frugal ladies, it’s time to wise-up and stop …

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Beach Birthday

My LO is about to turn two years old and while we felt he was still too small for birthday parties at the age of one, he understands a lot more now (naturally) and is much more aware of our culture norms and expectations, including birthday celebrations (and presents lol). Birthdays are a big deal here and sometimes I feel …

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Parenting is a Humbling Experience

I became a mother at age 35, which here in the Middle East is considered relatively old, though more and more women are now getting married here and making a family in their late twenties-early thirties. I was married for ten years prior to that and while I enjoyed traveling, going out, working, and in general, my freedom (all things …

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