Dealing With Financial Emergencies on Holiday

We’ve all done it: spent hours, days and weeks staring at holiday brochures deciding where to take a holiday. Then we book it and pay for it and spend the next few months saving up the spending money. But, when we are budgeting for those hot lazy days on the beach and the nights spent in romantic seafront restaurants or noisy clubs, we tend only to think about what we’re going to spend on food and drink, and a few postcards.

So, what happens the day before we go off to the sun? We empty our bank accounts, knowing full well that soon after we get back it will be pay day, so no worries.

Then we fly off to our sunny destination.

Ah, paradise!
Ah, paradise!

Surprise, surprise, things can and do go wrong while you are on holiday and if you haven’t got a credit card, you are going to need cash. Just look at these typical reasons for needing cash quickly:

  • Accident in a Hired Car – Luckily nobody is hurt, but the car hire company want you to pay the excess, which in your holiday haze, you didn’t bother to cover. The amount can vary from country to country but it is likely to be at least a few hundred dollars. You can’t get out of it because you gave your passport to the nice car hire man when you hired the car at the hotel.
  • Medical Bills – It seems like a good idea at the time: hire a couple of quad bikes and race off along the country tracks, and so it was until you fell off. You’ve just come out of the local hospital where they have stitched up a nasty gash in your leg. It’s cost every penny you’ve brought with you and there’s still ten days left to go and, your travel insurance have told you that you are not covered to ride a quad bike.
  • Missed Flight – Okay, you promised yourself you wouldn’t drink and you are spent up anyway, but it is the last night and your back at work next week. Problem is, you’ve woken up in a heap in a hotel room that’s not yours and you’ve just realized your flight back home left two hours ago. When you eventually get to the airport, the airline confirms there is another flight out, but you will have to buy another ticket.
Ouch - this looks expensive
Ouch – this looks expensive

As you can see, there are plenty of things that can go wrong and if they do, you need money fast. If you’re stuck in one of these emergency situations, go online, get a payday loan from Wonga. They will transfer the money into your bank within minutes, and then you can get it transferred by Western Union and pick it up from one of their branch offices. Just make sure to consider this option only in case of an emergency situations, and only if you are 100% sure that you can pay back on time. The interest rates are very high on payday loans because they are meant as temporary solutions.

Pay your bills, take a sigh of relief and keep your fingers crossed that nothing else happens to you. Keep your receipts because if you are insured, you may well be able to claim the money back once you get home and the insurance company can investigate further. Just don’t forget to pay your debt back asap!

Have you ever had an emergency situation while on holiday?

About Ronnie E.

Ronnie is the frugal Latina of the group. Hailing from the beautiful Andes Mountains in Bolivia, she lives and breathes frugality. She loves to figure out how to spend less money and takes on the challenge of finding great deals and cheaper options every day.

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