3 Budget-Friendly Crafts You Can Do with a Sewing Machine

Love sewing but don’t have the time? All the sewing projects below can be finished in 30 minutes or less. This is to help you get your “craft fix” without taking the entire day. 

If you’ve recently purchased a sewing machine and are now looking to make beginner-friendly designs, these projects will help do just that. 

To do this you don’t need one of the best sewing machines to create patterns. Starting small is the best way to build your confidence. This will empower you to take on more technical projects going forward. 

Make a set of coasters

For this, you can use patterned fabric scraps that are leftover to redesign beautiful coasters. A project of this nature needs you to add a little Bondwash to sewing materials – this is non-negotiable for a majority of sewers so buying it is certainly worth it. Also, ensure you have threads that match and plain material before you begin. 

Start by cutting out two squares from the plain material. These squares should be 12x12cm. Combine the Bondaweb to the other side of the patterned fabrics (the wrong side). Before you cut out the coffee shape draw it out on the paper backing. 

Once done, take the paper backing out and put it in the appliqué on one of the plain squares. Then, create a straight stitch right around the cup motifs in a contrasting thread to make sure you secure it. 

Fasten the squares together, make sure the right sides are facing each other. Then stitch around three sides leaving a 1 cm seam allowance. 

Turn the right sides out and then press flat. Flip the open side under by 1cm and fasten. Make a straight thread right around the edge of the coaster approximately 5mm from the corner.

Personalize your towel

If you like to have a bathroom set of towels that match but don’t like mixing them up. Then solve this issue by putting initials on your towel. 

All you have to do is place some Bondaweb on the reverse side of a patterned piece of fabric. Then on the paper backing draw out your initials and cut them out.

Take the paper out and put on the letter on the towel. Use a zigzag stitch that’s both wide and short. To sew around the edge of the letter to keep it in its position. 

Sew a handy tote bag

This is the next best alternative to using a plastic bag when shopping. 

You need to cut two big rectangles from patterned material, fasten them together with the right sides facing each other. Then do a straight stitch around the three sides. Leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm for the seam.

Cut the corners and turn the right sides out. Turn the top edge down by 1 cm and then turn it again by 2cm. Sew all around the top edge once when done.

When making the straps, cut two strips from the material. Fold the strips in half lengthways and then stitch along the edges leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm for the seam. Turn right sides out and press them down.

To make it secure, pin to the top of the bag and then topstitch. Then you’ll be done and dusted and ready to go to the grocery store.

About Ronnie E.

Ronnie is the frugal Latina of the group. Hailing from the beautiful Andes Mountains in Bolivia, she lives and breathes frugality. She loves to figure out how to spend less money and takes on the challenge of finding great deals and cheaper options every day.

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