Products & Deals

MerchLink – Now Offers Affordable Print Products for Musicians

Getting great merchandise for your band at fair prices is no easy task. Merchlink to the rescue! TuneCore has just launched this great new service to allow bands and musicians to easily print their logos and pictures on great quality gear. The design process is super easy. Select the product you would like, place whatever text and image you want, …

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So – how much money can you really make as a musician on Tunecore?

We’ve recently talked quite a lot about independent musicians and music on our blog (as we are all huge music fans!) This week, we decided to look into Tunecore’s stats for 2014 – just how much money have TuneCore Artists made in 2014? Well the results are in, and they’re impressive! In Q3 of 2014 alone, Tunecore artists have earned …

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Review: Nava Hair Straightener (and a discount code!)

As a girl, I know how much my hair can influence my overall look. I find myself spending a lot of money on hair related products. From creams, to gels, to curling irons and straighteners – you name it, I’ve tried it! Unfortunately I am an advertisers dream and waste a lot of money on products that don’t really do …

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How to Make Money on YouTube with TuneCore

In recent years many musicians have discovered YouTube’s marketing potential. Music videos that generate enough views to draw advertisements or videos that are getting many clicks, can all make a profit for their owners. It’s time to join the game and start cashing in on your music too! But how to go about claiming all those revenues? TuneCore makes it easy for you, …

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TuneCore’s HipHop Artists are making Big Bucks! (Infographic)

We featured TuneCore various times in the past as a great way for musicians to become successful. TuneCore offers musicians the ability to make it big by connecting them to the right people, having their music be heard, and ensuring they pick up revenues from royalties! We picked up on this infographic a few days ago and wanted to show you …

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United by Music

I’m sure you’ve missed our music posts so here’s another one, especially for all you music lovers out there! Music is a wonderful (and frugal) way to entertain yourself. Music can transport you to another time or place. It can remind you of wonderful memories, help you through the hard times and connect you with others. Sometimes sharing your feelings …

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Make Some Extra Money with iTunes Pre-order from TuneCore

If you are a musician or songwriter, then you’re always trying to come up with exciting ways to amplify the hype of any new single or album you’re about to release. That’s where iTunes pre-order from TuneCore comes in! This program is only one of the many options that TuneCore offers, but it’s potentially very beneficial to those interested in …

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Accomplishing Your Music Dreams

In light of the great response to last week’s music theme, we’ve decided to write a bit more on the topic for your entertainment! If you’re a huge music fan and dream to ‘make it big’ one day, it’s important to know the steps one should take in making their dreams come true. Releasing an independent album is a lot …

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How to Make Money through RingTone Sales

Here is an awesome way for musicians to make money – creating ringtones! The ringtone sales world is highly competitive, which is why if you are interested in taking part and making some solid cash, you will need the help of an amazing service like TuneCore. They are currently offering a 15% discount for signing up to their RingTone distribution …

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Interview with Pete Rogers

If  you’ve been following my post from last week, you’ll know I’m on a music kick. Since getting in touch with TuneCore, I’ve been wanting to share some of their advice and services for music artists looking to break into the industry. In today’s post, I’ll give you a recap on an interview with Pete Rogers, from the Creatives Dept. …

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