
Smart Hiring: 5 Tips for Small Businesses

It’s not easy to find, hire and train new employees, especially if you’re running a small business without a large staff to help through the process. If you’re looking to improve your hiring strategies, here are 5 tips for creating a smart hiring process!

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Why Flexible Work Schedules and Telecommuting Are Good for Workers and Employers

The nine-to-five grind is no longer the best way to approach your career. Companies have finally started to recognize the potential benefits of telecommuting and flexible work schedules. Take a look at how they are beneficial to both employers and employees!

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5 Ways to Save Money on your Website

Starting a website can be very inexpensive. As a matter of fact, the entire All the Frugal Ladies site cost only $115 dollars to put together! If you're looking to build a website, here are 5 ways to save some cash.

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How to Become a Licensed Esthetician

Interested in skincare and becoming an esthetician? The career comes with a solid salary, opportunity for private practice AND doesn't require a university degree, nor the student loan debt that comes with it. Learn how to join this growing market and become a licensed esthetician!

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4 Common Small Business Failures You Don’t Want to Make

Starting your own business is both a brave and terrifying decision. But like with any shift, there is a learning curve... Learn about the 4 most common small business mistakes and how to void them!

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Understanding SEO: What Can it Do for Your Website & is it Worth the Investment?

SEO is a buzzword in today’s marketing. It seems like every business and blog either buys SEO services, attempts do-it-yourself SEO, or advertises SEO. With so much hype around SEO, it’s easy to lose sight of what it actually means— if you understood it in the first place, that is. Thankfully, SEO isn’t too difficult of a concept to understand …

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From Layoff to New Career: 15 Transition Tips

It happens after decades of steady employment. You hear the words “Thank you for all your years of service. We’re shutting down the company. It’s over.” There’s no way to prepare for those words. No industry or job market is safe and no one is immune. When your boss calls you in and begins the conversation with “You’ve been a …

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Why Your Store Needs To Transition To eCommerce

eCommerce has taken over the retail and wholesale industry in just a few quick years. As brick-and-mortar becomes less relevant within the industry, brands have no choice but to move their store to the virtual shopping world. For the past year, I have experienced this incredible transition and how fast it’s growing. Working for a major SAAS company in the …

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3 Habits of Net-Worth Millionaires – How the Millionaire Mindset Can Help Get Your Finances on Track

What images come to mind when you hear the word millionaire? Big house, fancy car, posh neighborhood, shoes for every day of the month? What if I told you all these things aren’t an accurate representation of the average millionaire? Hogwash you say? In the late 80’s, early 90’s Dr. Thomas Stanley and Dr. William Danko did a decades-long research …

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6 Ways Parents Can Make a Little Extra Money

Does it always seem like your paycheck disappears as soon as you get it? For many working parents, that’s exactly the case: rent or mortgage, car payments, insurance, retirement fund, extra-curricular activities for kids, Christmas….the list could go on and on. But, instead of worrying about how you’re going to pay for your son’s second broken arm this year or …

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