
“Think before printing”: 5 more tips for a greener office

Energy use has become a central concern amongst small business owners looking to maximise their energy efficiency. The success of energy providers like Ovo Energy show that customer satisfaction is no longer the preserve of larger utility companies, as consumers are increasingly shopping around and trying out smaller companies to get cheaper deals. Together with core office principles such as …

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A Billion Entrepreneurs: Driving for an Entrepreneur in Every Home

We love to support great initiatives, and this is one of the best we have discovered. Join the initiative and inspire an entrepreneur in every home!

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Small Business Cost Cutting Tips

Want to save money for your small business? Running a small business has many advantages, especially in the way you choose to increase profits and expand your business. If you’re looking for more ways to cut costs and pull in better returns, it can be useful to consider some of the main areas of potential cost relief. Outsource! Running a …

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How to Fund Your Small Business Idea

Open Business

Do you have a small business idea, but can’t seem to get it up and running? Starting a new business requires hard work, a great idea, and a financial plan for launching your vision into reality. If money matters are your biggest hurdle or fear, there are a number of ways to find funding for a new business plan! With …

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Hard Water, Hard Cash!

water supply

Hard Water, Hard Cash: can your business save money by softening up? Around 60% of the UK and 85% of the US’ water supply is considered to be ‘hard’. Basically, it contains elevated levels of magnesium and calcium that built up in water-using appliances to raise household energy bills by up to 25%. Whether or not a water supply is …

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Ladies, it’s time to ask for a raise!

Ladies, I have bad news for us all – it’s partially our fault that we make less money than men. We don’t ask for salary raises, we don’t negotiate our salary and we hesitate when it comes to asking for more money! I’ve seen it happen over and over again (and yes, I’m guilty of it as well). When you …

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