Guest Post

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Five Frugal Places for Holiday Shopping

You’re making those lists, but you cannot bear checking them twice. You know what the problem is: there are too many gifts and people and not enough money to buy everything. You want to play Santa, but you look more like Scrooge right now. How do you make everyone happy, disappoint no one and not send your budget into a …

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From Layoff to New Career: 15 Transition Tips

It happens after decades of steady employment. You hear the words “Thank you for all your years of service. We’re shutting down the company. It’s over.” There’s no way to prepare for those words. No industry or job market is safe and no one is immune. When your boss calls you in and begins the conversation with “You’ve been a …

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3 Habits of Net-Worth Millionaires – How the Millionaire Mindset Can Help Get Your Finances on Track

What images come to mind when you hear the word millionaire? Big house, fancy car, posh neighborhood, shoes for every day of the month? What if I told you all these things aren’t an accurate representation of the average millionaire? Hogwash you say? In the late 80’s, early 90’s Dr. Thomas Stanley and Dr. William Danko did a decades-long research …

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Top Tips On How To Save Money On Your Wedding Flowers

When thinking about wedding days, what usually comes to mind is the bride, the groom, and their vows. Regardless of what actually comes to mind for each person, one aspect is pretty much standard, that the bride will hold a bouquet when walking down her wedding aisle. Even though the flowers are a minor part of the actual wedding day, …

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5 Easy Ways To Cut Down Costs When Moving House/Apartment

Your move is going to be a big undertaking, even the smallest moves can be but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. These is no way around the fact that professional movers aren’t cheap, which is why many people choose to move themselves, unfortunately doing it on your own is not always possible. It is important for …

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How to Worry Less about Money

Money is a curious thing. It is a mere piece of paper, yet it determines our habits and goals in life. We are living in times when money is never far away from our mind, and worrying about it seems to be a real epidemic. But, we are supposed to be the master of this paper, not the slaves to …

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The Best Dates In Life are Free!

Looking for fun but FREE date ideas? We have you covered! Take a look at these great ideas from date aficionados.

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Effective Tips on Efficient Use of Home Energy

Looking to save on your home's energy consumption? Here are some effective ways to reduce your energy bill and consumption with just a few cheap hacks!

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What’s in your Wallet? Yes, a credit card!

Does anybody ever pay with cash anymore?! Why is it that people use credit cards so extensively? A person who doesn’t have a credit card may feel like he’s dodging ‘a bullet of debt’ but what about the many benefits that credit cards can have on ones finances? For those who can’t control their temptations (and therefore spending habits), should stick to …

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Be Smart When Choosing a Business Name

Today we feature a guest post from a good friend, Matthew Hartmann. Thanks for contributing to All the Frugal Ladies, Matt! Names matter more than we realize. Starting a business takes a lot of planning. From raising the necessary finances to hiring appropriate staff, there is a lot to consider when opening your own business. One detail that is not …

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