
Are women taking more chances with their money?

The feminist revolution made big waves in the 1960’s following women’s emancipation and growing role in the workforce. However, albeit the passing of more than 60 years, women in the 21st century are still suffering from economic, social and cultural gaps that carry political, economic and social repercussions. One of these gaps is the financial gap; it is a well-known …

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Delicious Deals For Your Next Shindig

Delicious Deals For Your Next Shindig If you have a celebration coming up, it may be more cost-effective to have your party at home or a local park. A restaurant bill can not only add up quickly, but become confusing when it’s time to split the tab. You can make it easier by planning your own party and letting guests …

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DIY Home Remedies for Grooming your Dog

About a month ago I wrote a post on DIY home remedies to make for your dog when he’s suffering from dry skin, kennel cough, diarrhea, constipation, and other unfortunate conditions. We’ve gotten some good feedback on it, so this time I decided to share with you my best tips and DIY home remedies for dog grooming. These are all tips that have worked …

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Should you Pay for Online Dating Sites?

I’m a frugal lady, but when it comes to certain decisions, I opt for the higher quality option over the frugal. That’s how I feel about online dating – my experience in the world of dating has shown me the value of online dating sites and how to evaluate whether they are worth a small membership investment. If you’re looking …

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How to Make Your Career Change A Financial Success

So you’re planning a career change. That’s great! That usually means a happier and better-rounded you. It can also mean a change in paycheck. Sometimes, however, that paycheck change isn’t for the better. Check out these ways you can make sure that it is for the better and that your career change leaves you coming out ahead money wise. Pursue …

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DIY Homemade Remedies for Treating Your Canine Pal

Taking care of your dog’s health can be a huge expense. Bringing him to the vet for periodical check-ups and shots, buying medicine when required, having him/her sprayed or neutered…all these can definitely run up your bill! And dog owners with more than one dog have to pay double or even triple (and so on)… So while it’s always important …

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The Price Is Wrong: 4 Creature Comforts That Cost You a Fortune

We all want to save more money. Every month when the bills pile into our mailboxes, we wish we had a little more wiggle room in our bank accounts. We dream about the luxurious houses we would buy or the brand new cars we would drive if only we had just a bit more in our paychecks. However, you probably …

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You Can Get in Shape at Affordable Prices!

Out of the four of us on All the Frugal Ladies, I’m probably the least healthy and I’m sure I’ve written a total of 0 posts on anything related to exercise or healthy living. But, that is going to change today as I’m starting to see the value of getting in shape – not only physically, but also monetarily. Why …

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Budget Friendly Snack Ideas

Most people think that being on a budget means goodbye to healthy snacks and hello to whatever cheap bag of (excuse my language) crap they can get their hands on. That however is certainly not the case – you can certainly still focus on healthy eating and fuelling your body with substance whilst still watching your dollars. Here is a …

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3 Easy Ways Spring Cleaning Can Save You Money

spring cleaning

Although the weather may tell us a different story (depending on where you live), Spring has already officially arrived. And with it comes the April showers, May flowers, oh yeah … and the famous ‘spring cleaning.’ This activity is of course important for our home and sanity, but did you know that spring cleaning can also save you money? “I …

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